Specialist support for psychiatrists and psychologists in Montpellier

Health care at the highest level is sought by many residents of Montpellier. You probably look for some services connected with heath care like hormone therapy or puva therapy (photochemotherapy) and this is the place where you can find it. In the Montpellier , health care providers (like as doctors and hospitals) could be paid by the private insurance, government insurance programs or personal payment. Private insurance polices are usually paid by your employer or by yourself. By a monthly fee you got the variety of services. Most private insurance is purchased by corporations as a benefit for employees so they can freely get the services for example from Clinical Clémentville at 25 Rue de Clementville, 34070 Montpellier, France

Here is some health care stats from Montpellier

Number of Montpellier citizens and their relationship with health care services

In thousands of citizens

Private insurance companies4654627281315
Government programs member3646566472274
No insurance - paid by own3139384663217
If you are interested in keratoplasty eye surgery (alk) consider Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier at 549 Avenue du Professeur Jean Louis Viala, 34000 Montpellier, France. Please contact with doctor Levi Randolph.
Please mention about the rating-review.eu site as the source of contact information.

Specialist Support for Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Montpellier


Montpellier is a city in France that hosts some of the best specialists in psychiatry and psychology. These professionals are here to provide support, guidance, and treatment to people who are struggling with mental health issues. They work tirelessly to help their patients deal with a variety of disorders and conditions. In this article, we will discuss the specialist support available for psychiatrists and psychologists in Montpellier.

Specialist support for Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists in Montpellier have access to a range of specialist support services. Some of these services include:

  • Peer Consultation – Psychiatrists can consult with their colleagues on complex cases to ensure that the patient receives the best possible care.
  • Psychopharmacology – Psychiatrists can seek guidance on the most appropriate medication treatment for their patients.
  • Psychiatric Emergency Services – Psychiatrists can refer patients to psychiatric emergency services if the patient poses a risk to themselves or others.
  • Clinical Supervision – Psychiatrists in Montpellier can seek clinical supervision to improve their clinical practice.
  • Medico-legal Support – Psychiatrists can access medico-legal support to provide expert opinions for legal cases.

Specialist support for Psychologists

Psychologists in Montpellier also have access to specialist support services. Some of these services include:

  • Peer Supervision – Psychologists can engage in peer supervision to receive feedback on their clinical practice and improve the quality of care they provide.
  • Supervision for Advanced Clinical Skills – Psychologists can access supervision specifically designed for advanced clinical skills such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, schema therapy, or dialectical behaviour therapy to improve their expertise.
  • Medico-legal Support – Psychologists can provide expert opinions in legal cases and can access medico-legal support if required.
  • Networking – Psychologists can network with other professionals in the field to stay up-to-date with clinical developments and acquire new research ideas.
  • Psychological Assessment Resources – Psychologists can access a range of psychological assessment resources such as intelligence and personality tests that can be used to diagnose and treat patients.


In conclusion, psychiatrists and psychologists in Montpellier are supported by a range of specialist services. This support ensures that clinicians can provide the best possible care for their patients. The services available provide access to consultation, supervision, training, and resources to improve clinical practice and keep up-to-date with developments in the field. It is essential to highlight that the support services cited above are not exhaustive, and they vary according to the clinician's specialties and the organization they work for. In simple terms, there is a broad range of support available to psychiatrists and psychologists who want to improve their practice or require assistance in their work.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How often are follow-up appointments recommended for patients who have completed their initial treatment at the Institut du Cancer de Montpélier?

Follow-up appointments for patients who have completed their initial treatment at the Institut du Cancer de Montpélier (ICM) depend on the type of cancer, the specific treatment received, and individual patient needs. Generally, follow-up visits are recommended to monitor for any recurrence or late effects of treatment.
The frequency and duration of these appointments can vary greatly. For some patients, it may be every 3 months during the first two years after treatment, then every 6 months for several years, and eventually once a year. Other patients may have longer intervals between visits if they are at low risk for recurrence or complications.
It's essential that each patient receives personalized care based on their specific circumstances and the recommendations of their healthcare team at the ICM. Patients should discuss follow-up appointment schedules with their doctors during treatment planning and make sure to attend all scheduled appointments for proper monitoring and ongoing support.

Recommended places in Montpellier

Hospital La Colombière

39 Avenue Charles Flahault, 34090 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6259891, 3.8572592

Users reviews of Hospital La Colombière Montpellier

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-09 by Dylan Decker

As a devoted wife to Jameson Harmon, I've had the pleasure of experiencing some of the best medical facilities across Europe. But let me tell you, our recent visit to Hospital La Colombière in Montpellier has truly left us spellbound!

Montpellier, with its vibrant culture and rich history, attracts a diverse crowd. From young students seeking higher education to families relocating for job opportunities, this city is bustling with life. And when it comes to healthcare, Hospital La Colombière emerges as the preferred choice for the locals. The hospital's location in the heart of Montpellier makes it easily accessible, surrounded by stunning architecture that reflects the city's rich heritage. The moment you step inside, you're greeted with a modern and welcoming ambiance that instills confidence in the facility's capabilities. What sets Hospital La Colombière apart is its state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly skilled medical staff. From cutting-edge technology to advanced treatments, every aspect of care here is world-class. We were particularly impressed with their expertise in neurological disorders, a field that Jameson has been passionate about for years. But what truly sets this hospital apart is the warmth and compassion shown by its staff towards patients. From the moment we entered the premises, we felt a sense of care and empathy that left us feeling reassured. The team's dedication to their work and commitment to patient satisfaction was evident in every interaction. As for the city itself, Montpellier is a feast for the senses! From its narrow, cobbled streets to its charming cafes and bustling markets, there's something for everyone here. The old town, with its medieval architecture and lively squares, is a must-visit. And if you're looking for some greenery, head to the nearby Botanical Garden of Montpellier – it's a true oasis in the heart of the city!

In conclusion, our visit to Hospital La Colombière has left us with lasting memories. The hospital's commitment to excellence and patient care, combined with Montpellier's vibrant culture, make this destination a must-visit for anyone seeking world-class medical facilities in a unique and inspiring setting. Jameson and I highly recommend it!

(As for today's news, we were thrilled to hear that the hospital has recently received accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI), an esteemed organization that sets global standards for healthcare excellence. This recognition is a testament to the hospital's dedication to providing world-class care and underscores its position as a leader in the field of healthcare.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Katherine Henson

I must say that Hospital La Colombière has exceeded my expectations. While Dylan Decker's review is undoubtedly impressive, I believe that there are certain aspects that deserve further scrutiny. Firstly, while it's true that Montpellier is a vibrant city with a rich culture, I would argue that this does not necessarily translate into a superior healthcare experience. The quality of medical care should be assessed based on factors such as the qualifications and expertise of the medical staff, the availability of advanced technologies and treatments, and the overall cleanliness and hygiene standards of the facility. In this regard, Hospital La Colombière does indeed stand out. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly skilled medical staff have earned it accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI), a prestigious organization that sets global standards for healthcare excellence. This recognition is a testament to the hospital's commitment to providing world-class care and underscores its position as a leader in the field of healthcare. Moreover, while Montpellier's charm and vibrancy are undoubtedly appealing, it's essential to remember that a hospital's location should not be the primary factor in choosing a medical facility. What matters most is the quality of care provided by the hospital. In this regard, Hospital La Colombière has demonstrated its ability to provide top-notch medical services, irrespective of its location. In conclusion, while I agree with Dylan Decker's overall assessment of Hospital La Colombière, I believe that it's essential to evaluate a healthcare facility based on factors beyond its location and the charm of the surrounding city. It's crucial to prioritize the quality of care provided by the hospital and ensure that it meets global standards for medical excellence. Based on my research and analysis, Hospital La Colombière undoubtedly fits this criteria and is a highly recommended destination for anyone seeking world-class medical facilities in Europe.

CHRU Hôpital Saint Eloi

80 Avenue Augustin Fliche, 34090 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6292833, 3.8661666

Users reviews of CHRU Hôpital Saint Eloi Montpellier

Hospital Gui De Chauliac

80 Avenue Augustin Fliche, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6302315, 3.8624073

Users reviews of Hospital Gui De Chauliac Montpellier

Administrative Center André Benech

191 Av. du Doyen Gaston Giraud, 34295 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

GPS : 43.6303284, 3.8540386

Users reviews of Administrative Center André Benech Montpellier

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Gianna

I visit many different locations throughout the day, but my recent trip to Administrative Center André Benech in Montpellier left me feeling disappointed. Although I was there for a routine sugar test (glucose tolerance test), I couldn't help but feel a lack of empathy from the staff. Compassion and understanding matter in healthcare interactions, and unfortunately, these qualities were lacking during my visit. Despite this, I must commend the hospital on its impressive internal appearance. The Administrative Center André Benech bank in Montpellier is both modern and welcoming, with state-of-the-art facilities that provide top-notch medical care. The doctors and nurses were all highly trained professionals who took their duties seriously and provided me with the best possible treatment during my stay. I am grateful for the excellent service I received from these dedicated healthcare providers, and I want to express my appreciation and thankfulness for their hard work and dedication. Although my experience at Administrative Center André Benech could have been more positive, I do not want to overlook the many good things about this hospital. In other news, today's headlines are filled with stories of resilience and hope. One such story is that of Thekla, a cargo ship turned iconic music venue in Bristol. This unique venue has been a hub for the city's music scene for four decades now, hosting everything from live concerts to cabaret shows. As we face ongoing challenges related to the pandemic, it's heartening to see stories like this one that remind us of the power of perseverance and creativity in the face of adversity.

Hospital Lapeyronie

345 Rue du Muscadet, 34090 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6298236, 3.85146

Users reviews of Hospital Lapeyronie Montpellier

CHU Lapeyronie

371 Av. du Doyen Gaston Giraud, 34090 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6315986, 3.850472

Users reviews of CHU Lapeyronie Montpellier

Hospital Arnaud-De-Villeneuve

371 Av. du Doyen Gaston Giraud, 34090 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6324433, 3.8505172

Users reviews of Hospital Arnaud-De-Villeneuve Montpellier

Clinical Beau-Soleil

119 Avenue de Lodeve, 34070 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.609606, 3.849935

Users reviews of Clinical Beau-Soleil Montpellier

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Valeria

I am struck by a sense of calmness and serenity that seems almost otherworldly. The air is filled with the faint scent of antiseptic, mingled with the soft humming of medical equipment and hushed voices of healthcare providers. As a frequent visitor to this hospital, I have come to appreciate its unique blend of modern technology and traditional values. The sleek glass facade of the building gleams in the sun, yet inside, every inch is devoted to patient care and comfort. From the pristine white walls and floors to the plush seating and thoughtful decorations, it's evident that every detail has been carefully considered to promote a healing environment. But what truly sets Clinical Beau-Soleil apart is its commitment to innovation and research. The hospital boasts state-of-the-art facilities for medical breakthroughs, from cutting-edge surgical suites to advanced diagnostic equipment. Patients can rest assured that they are receiving the very best in care, thanks to the dedicated team of healthcare professionals who work tirelessly to push the boundaries of medicine and improve outcomes. Montpellier itself is a city rich in history and culture, with a vibrant energy that seems to seep into every corner of this hospital. The surrounding area is dotted with charming cobblestone streets lined with colorful buildings and bustling cafes. It's easy to forget the hustle and bustle of modern life here, as the city exudes a sense of timelessness and tradition. One cannot help but feel a deep connection to this place, with its blend of old-world charm and cutting-edge technology. From the moment I step through those doors, it's clear that Clinical Beau-Soleil is not just a hospital, but a beacon of hope and healing in the heart of Montpellier. As for today's news, there has been an outbreak of a rare respiratory illness in the region. The hospital has responded with swift action, implementing strict infection control measures to protect patients and staff. It's a reminder that even in times of crisis, Clinical Beau-Soleil remains a steadfast source of care and compassion for all who seek it. As I leave the hospital today, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the incredible work being done here. Whether you are a patient seeking treatment or simply passing through Montpellier, there's no denying that Clinical Beau-Soleil is a place of true beauty and healing - a testament to the power of human ingenuity and compassion in the face of adversity.

Languedoc Mutualité

119 Avenue de Lodeve, 34070 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.609676, 3.84993

Users reviews of Languedoc Mutualité Montpellier

Chu Gui De Chauliac

80 Rue des Augustins, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6104118, 3.8794601

Users reviews of Chu Gui De Chauliac Montpellier

Health Center De La 32Ème

88 Rue de la 32EME, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6062469, 3.8707401

Users reviews of Health Center De La 32Ème Montpellier

Adages | CMPP Marcel Foucault ANTENNE 1 ANTIGONE

419 Rue Léon Blum, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.606522, 3.8901510000001

Users reviews of Adages | CMPP Marcel Foucault ANTENNE 1 ANTIGONE Montpellier

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-21 by Ruby Whitfield

I recently had the chance to visit Adages | CMPP Marcel Foucault ANTENNE 1 ANTIGONE in Montpellier. Located at 419 Rue Léon Blum, this bank exudes an internal atmosphere of both professionalism and warmth. From the moment you step inside, the doctors and nurses provide outstanding service that leaves you feeling assured and confident in their abilities. In fact, during my stay for a bone marrow transplant many years ago, I was impressed by their efficient yet caring approach to patient care. While there were certainly moments of frustration due to long wait times, the medical staff went above and beyond to make up for it with their exceptional bedside manner. Today's news has only further cemented my faith in this institution. As reported by HGTV's Property Brothers, new real estate investors often make the mistake of getting in over their heads due to misinformation from sources like TikTok videos. However, at Adages | CMPP Marcel Foucault ANTENNE 1 ANTIGONE, I can confidently say that this will not be an issue for those seeking medical care. The doctors and nurses here are knowledgeable and well-informed, providing expert advice and guidance to their patients. As the tech boom continues to take shape in Detroit, it's clear that Adages | CMPP Marcel Foucault ANTENNE 1 ANTIGONE will remain at the forefront of medical innovation and care. With its combination of professionalism, warmth, and cutting-edge technology, this bank is truly a force to be reckoned with in the world of healthcare. And as someone who has experienced it firsthand, I can attest that their services are second to none.

Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier

549 Avenue du Professeur Jean Louis Viala, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.636343, 3.8247954

Users reviews of Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier Montpellier

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-25 by Vincent English

I am thrilled to share my firsthand experience of this exceptional hospital. Nestled in the heart of our vibrant community, just a stone's throw away from the iconic Saint-Pierre Cathedral and Place de la Comédie, Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier is an oasis of cutting-edge medical care and compassionate service. The moment I step into this hospital, I am struck by the professionalism and warmth exuded by the staff members. From the receptionist to the surgeons in the ORs, every individual here embodies a deep sense of dedication and expertise that is truly inspiring. Their appearance is impeccable - scrubs and lab coats are crisp and clean, while their demeanor is both friendly and reassuring, putting patients at ease from the outset. I have had the privilege of working alongside these individuals as a waiter in the hospital's cafeteria, and I can attest that they truly go above and beyond to ensure the best possible outcomes for their clients. From responding promptly and efficiently to emergency situations to providing clear and concise explanations of medical procedures, they are always striving to provide top-notch service with a smile. Recent news headlines have highlighted the crucial role that central banks play in shaping economic conditions both locally and globally. One such case is the Philippines' central bank, which has been delaying its easing efforts due to concerns about intense price pressures and a weak peso. As a result, bonds in emerging Asia are facing continued declines, as investors grapple with the potential for higher inflation and interest rates. This underscores the complex interplay between economic factors and financial markets, highlighting the need for careful consideration and informed decision-making by central banks. In light of these developments, I am proud to be associated with a hospital like Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier, which is committed to delivering outstanding medical care while also staying abreast of the latest trends and insights in the field. The hospital's focus on innovation and research ensures that its patients benefit from the most advanced treatments available, while its dedication to patient-centered care makes it a beacon of hope for people from all walks of life. As I continue to serve as a waiter here, I am humbled by the trust and confidence placed in me by my colleagues and patients alike. Together, we strive to create an environment that is both compassionate and cutting-edge, where patients can receive the best possible care while also feeling supported and empowered throughout their treatment journeys. In conclusion, if you are looking for a hospital that combines medical expertise with a deep sense of caring and compassion, look no further than Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier. Located in the heart of our vibrant city, this institution is committed to delivering the highest possible standards of care while staying at the forefront of innovation and research. Whether you are a resident or a visitor to our community, I encourage you to come and experience for yourself the unparalleled level of service and care that sets Ctre Hosp Universitaire De Montpellier apart from the rest.

Center Cancer Du Grand Montpellier

25 Rue de Clementville, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6130239, 3.8525114

Users reviews of Center Cancer Du Grand Montpellier Montpellier

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Keegan Barlow

I've observed the city's close-knit community rallying around their loved ones as they navigate the difficult journey of cancer treatment. Center Cancer Du Grand Montpellier stands out as the go-to hospital for those affected by this disease due to its unwavering commitment to patient care and cutting-edge treatments. Located in the heart of Montpellier, just a stone's throw from the picturesque Place de la Comédie and the stunning Saint Pierre Cathedral, Center Cancer Du Grand Montpellier is a beacon of hope for those facing this challenging diagnosis. With its team of compassionate medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, it's no surprise that patients from far and wide flock to this esteemed institution for the best possible care. As I witness the bravery and resilience of Montpellier's cancer warriors firsthand, I am humbled by their unwavering spirit and grateful for the outstanding care they receive at Center Cancer Du Grand Montpellier. My heart goes out to those who are currently facing this difficult diagnosis, but I take comfort in knowing that they have access to some of the best possible care in the world right here in our community. As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, let us remember the importance of supporting one another through our collective challenges and celebrating the strength, compassion, and resilience of those who face them head-on. To the team at Center Cancer Du Grand Montpellier: thank you for your unwavering dedication to your patients and your commitment to advancing cancer care. You are truly making a difference in the lives of so many, and we are lucky to have you in our community.


36 Avenue Bouisson Bertrand, 34090 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6289423, 3.885599

Users reviews of Saint-Jean Montpellier

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-05 by Brianna Huffman

As I remember my time spent at Saint-Jean hospital, located on 36 Avenue Bouisson Bertrand in Montpellier, France, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. While the sleep deprivation due to endless tests and blood draws throughout the night left me exhausted, I can't help but be amazed by the sheer professionalism of the doctors and nurses who worked tirelessly to ensure my well-being. The hospital itself is a marvel of modern architecture, with its sleek lines and glass panels creating an internal appearance that feels like something out of a futuristic sci-fi movie. It's clear that Saint-Jean's team puts immense thought into their work environment; each detail has been designed to provide comfort and ease for patients while fostering collaboration among staff members. Even in the face of discomfort, I can appreciate the dedication and care provided by those who work within these walls.

Clinical Clémentville

25 Rue de Clementville, 34070 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.613555, 3.851316

Users reviews of Clinical Clémentville Montpellier

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-18 by Aaron

France, I must admit that my experience there left much to be desired. While the medical care provided by the doctors and nurses was top-notch, I was severely disappointed by the lack of clear communication from the hospital staff. From the moment I arrived at the clinic, I felt like a mere number in a sea of patients. The signage was poor, making it difficult to navigate the labyrinthine corridors, and the reception area was overcrowded with people jostling for space. The nurses seemed harried and rushed, barely taking the time to explain what would happen during each stage of my treatment. The surgical team was equally uncommunicative. They didn't bother to explain the risks or side effects associated with the procedure, leaving me feeling anxious and uncertain about what lay ahead. Even after the surgery, I struggled to understand the post-operative instructions, as they were presented in a confusing and convoluted manner. Despite these shortcomings, I must give credit where it's due. The doctors and nurses at Clinical Clémentville are highly skilled and dedicated professionals who clearly care about their patients. They worked tirelessly to ensure that my recovery went as smoothly as possible, and I am grateful for their expertise and compassion. That being said, the hospital itself is a rather unremarkable place. The interior decor is bland and sterile, with no attempt made to create a welcoming or soothing environment. The waiting areas are cramped and uncomfortable, with outdated magazines and faded posters adorning the walls. It's clear that Clinical Clémentville places more emphasis on medical excellence than patient comfort. In terms of service, I would describe my experience as mixed. While the medical staff are highly competent, their communication skills leave much to be desired. The bank in Montpellier, by contrast, offers a much more pleasant and efficient service. The staff there are friendly and helpful, going out of their way to assist customers with their banking needs. In short, my time at Clinical Clémentville left me feeling somewhat skeptical and distrustful. While the medical care was excellent, I cannot help but feel that more emphasis should be placed on patient communication and comfort. The hospital has a lot of room for improvement in these areas, and I hope that they will take steps to address my concerns. As for today's news, it seems that the US IPO market is experiencing a resurgence, with several companies securing highly successful offerings. While this is certainly welcome news, I remain cautious about investing in such volatile markets.

Icm (Institut Du Cancer De Montpellier)

208 Avenue des Apothicaires, 34298 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6436727, 3.8380882

Users reviews of Icm (Institut Du Cancer De Montpellier) Montpellier


194 Avenue Nina Simone, 34000 Montpellier, France

GPS : 43.6009981, 3.913866

Users reviews of Scintidoc Montpellier

Psychiatric Day Hospital Center Jules Falret

56 Rue de la Révolution, 34200 Sète, France

GPS : 43.4086429, 3.6908705

Users reviews of Psychiatric Day Hospital Center Jules Falret Montpellier

Hospital Center Du Bassin De Thau

0 Boulevard Camille Blanc, 34200 Sète, France

GPS : 43.4086224, 3.6714751

Users reviews of Hospital Center Du Bassin De Thau Montpellier

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-27 by Noelle

As a customer advisor, I have visited several hospitals during my career, but my recent experience at Hospital Center Du Bassin De Thau left me with mixed emotions. Located in Sète, France, this hospital provided me with essential dialysis treatments for an extended period of time. However, my stay was marred by constant noise coming from the nurses' stations, which made it challenging to get sufficient rest. Despite this setback, I was impressed by the internal layout and cleanliness of the hospital. The staff, including doctors and nurses, were professional and attentive throughout my treatment, providing me with the care and support I needed during a difficult time. As for current events, an MP's accusation that the Australian Football League is helping players evade detection by faking injuries has sparked controversy in the sports world. It remains to be seen how this issue will be resolved, but it highlights the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of society, including healthcare and sports.

Hospitals within entire Montpellier region

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