Best public and private hospitals in Plymouth

Health care is very important matter in human life. Being here means that you need some medial assistance for you or someone that you take care of. Most of the hospitals and medical center in Plymouth offer variety of services like liposuction, keratoplasty eye surgery (alk)skin test for allergy. In the Plymouth , health care providers (like as doctors and hospitals) could be paid by the private insurance, government insurance programs or personal payment. Private insurance polices are usually paid by your employer or by yourself. By a monthly fee you got the variety of services. All private insurances in Plymouth should respect The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, or Affordable Care Act ,ACA), which became effective in 2014 and is a government regulation act between patients and private insurances companies.

Here is some health care stats from Plymouth

Number of Plymouth citizens and their relationship with health care services

In thousands of citizens

Private insurance companies4655657281319
Government programs member3442526470262
No insurance - paid by own2230444960205
Ask SMG Women's Health at East Bridgewater for coronary angioplasty the address is : 1 Compass Way, Ste 109, East Bridgewater, MA 02333, United States, contact with doctor Charlie Estrada.
The alternative is Court Street Animal Hospital at 136 Court St, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States with doctor Mia Nicholson

Best Public and Private Hospitals in Plymouth

Public Hospitals

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust is the largest hospital in Plymouth and serves a population of around 800,000 people. The trust operates three hospitals, which are Derriford Hospital, Mount Gould Hospital, and Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

Plymouth Community Healthcare

Plymouth Community Healthcare NHS Trust provides a range of community services in Plymouth, including district nursing, health visiting, speech and language therapy, and physiotherapy.

St. Barnabas Hospital

St. Barnabas Hospital is run by Livewell Southwest, a social enterprise that provides healthcare services in Plymouth. The hospital provides a range of services, including rehabilitation, respite care, and end-of-life care.

Private Hospitals

Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre

Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre is run by Care UK, a private healthcare company. The hospital provides a range of services, including orthopaedics, ophthalmology, and urology.

Mount Stuart Hospital

Mount Stuart Hospital is a privately-owned hospital in Plymouth. The hospital provides a range of services, including cardiology, gastroenterology, and plastic surgery.

The Devon Clinic

The Devon Clinic is a private clinic in Plymouth that provides a range of services, including acupuncture, chiropractic, and hypnotherapy.

Diabetes Medical Consultations in Plymouth Area


Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires regular medical consultations to manage effectively. In the Plymouth area, there are many healthcare providers who offer diabetes consultations to help patients manage their condition. This tutorial will provide an overview of diabetes medical consultations in the Plymouth area.

Types of Consultations

There are several types of diabetes consultations available in the Plymouth area, including:

  • Initial consultations
  • Follow-up consultations
  • Diabetes education consultations
  • Specialist consultations
  • Initial Consultations

    An initial consultation is the first meeting between a patient and a healthcare provider to discuss diabetes management. During this consultation, the healthcare provider will ask questions about the patient's medical history, conduct a physical examination, and order any necessary tests to determine the patient's blood sugar levels and overall health. The provider may also discuss lifestyle changes, medication options, and other treatment plans to manage diabetes.

    Follow-up Consultations

    Follow-up consultations are regular appointments with a healthcare provider to monitor diabetes management progress. During these consultations, the healthcare provider will review blood sugar levels, adjust medication and treatment plans as needed, and discuss any lifestyle changes that may be necessary to manage diabetes effectively.

    Diabetes Education Consultations

    Diabetes education consultations are sessions with a healthcare provider or diabetes educator to learn more about diabetes management. Patients can learn about nutrition, exercise, medication management, and preventative care to better manage their diabetes. These consultations can be done in a group or one-on-one setting.

    Specialist Consultations

    Specialist consultations may be necessary for patients with more complex diabetes management needs. Specialists may include endocrinologists, podiatrists, and ophthalmologists. These consultations aim to address specific diabetes-related concerns, such as foot ulcers, vision loss, and hormonal imbalances.

    Finding a Healthcare Provider

    There are many healthcare providers in the Plymouth area who offer diabetes consultations. Patients can find a healthcare provider by:

  • Asking their primary care physician for a referral
  • Contacting their insurance provider for a list of in-network providers
  • Searching online directories for diabetes specialists
  • Conclusion

    Diabetes medical consultations are essential for individuals living with diabetes to manage the condition and keep it under control. Patients in the Plymouth area have access to various types of consultations, including initial consultations, follow-up consultations, diabetes education consultations, and specialist consultations. Finding a healthcare provider can be done by asking for referrals, contacting their insurance provider, or searching online directories.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What are the standard precautions and safety protocols for handling patients with known or suspected drug-resistant tuberculosis in the hospital setting?

    Handling patients with known or suspected drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) requires strict adherence to standard precautions and additional safety protocols. These measures are essential to prevent the spread of TB and protect healthcare workers, other patients, and visitors from exposure to the pathogen. The following guidelines outline the standard precautions and safety protocols for handling patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis in a hospital setting:

    1. Standard Precautions: All healthcare workers should follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) guidelines for standard precautions, which include hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory hygiene, and safe injection practices.

    2. Respiratory Hygiene: Patients with known or suspected drug-resistant TB should practice respiratory hygiene by covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing. Used tissues should be placed in a waste container, and hands should be washed immediately.

    3. Airborne Precautions: In addition to standard precautions, patients with drug-resistant TB should be placed in airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIRs) that are designed to contain infectious droplet nuclei. AIIRs have specialized ventilation systems and negative pressure, which help prevent the spread of airborne pathogens.

    4. Droplet Precautions: Patients with drug-resistant TB may also require droplet precautions in addition to airborne precautions. This means that healthcare workers should use PPE, such as a face mask or respirator, when within three feet of the patient.

    5. Environmental Controls: Healthcare facilities should implement strict environmental controls to prevent the spread of TB. This includes regular cleaning and disinfection of patient rooms, common areas, and surfaces that may be contaminated with infectious droplets or aerosols.

    6. Staff Training: All healthcare workers who will be involved in the care of patients with drug-resistant TB should receive training on the proper use of PPE, infection control procedures, and the importance of adhering to standard precautions.

    7. Patient Education: Patients with drug-resistant TB should be educated about their infection, the importance of adhering to treatment regimens, and the steps they can take to prevent spreading the disease to others. This includes covering their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, wearing a face mask when in public settings, and avoiding close contact with immunocompromised individuals.

    8. Communication: Healthcare facilities should establish clear communication channels for reporting suspected cases of drug-resistant TB and coordinating efforts to prevent the spread of infection. This includes notifying local health departments and following their guidance on managing and containing outbreaks.

    9. Surveillance and Monitoring: Regular monitoring of patients with drug-resistant TB is essential to ensure that they are adhering to treatment regimens and to detect any signs of treatment failure or resistance development. This may involve routine laboratory testing, clinical evaluations, and close follow-up by healthcare providers.

    10. Research and Collaboration: Healthcare facilities should participate in ongoing research efforts to develop new treatments and diagnostic tools for drug-resistant TB. This includes collaborating with other institutions, sharing data and resources, and contributing to the development of evidence-based guidelines for managing patients with drug-resistant TB.

    By adhering to these standard precautions and safety protocols, healthcare facilities can help protect their patients, staff, and visitors from the risks associated with drug-resistant tuberculosis while ensuring that those affected receive the best possible care.

    Recommended places in Plymouth

    Beth Israel Deaconess Plymouth

    275 Sandwich St, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

    GPS : 41.9425152, -70.6454328

    Users reviews of Beth Israel Deaconess Plymouth Plymouth

    Jordan Hospital Club Cancer Center

    275 Sandwich St, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

    GPS : 41.9439042, -70.6448693

    Users reviews of Jordan Hospital Club Cancer Center Plymouth

    Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Spine Care

    10 Cordage Park Cir #225, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

    GPS : 41.979428, -70.68813

    Users reviews of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Spine Care Plymouth

    Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Raelynn Burnett

    I recently had the opportunity to visit Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Spine Care for a myocardial biopsy procedure last summer. While the location itself was conveniently situated at 10 Cordage Park Cir #225, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States, my overall experience left me feeling somewhat disappointed due to sleep deprivation. Being disturbed by clinicians for tests or blood draws in the middle of the night can be exhausting, and unfortunately, this was a recurring issue during my stay at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Spine Care. Despite this minor setback, I am pleased to report that the internal appearance of the hospital's banking facilities in Plymouth were immaculate and well-maintained. The doctors and nurses provided excellent care throughout my stay, displaying a level of professionalism and expertise that left me feeling hopeful and optimistic about my overall health outlook. As I reflect on my recent experience at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Spine Care, I am reminded of today's news regarding Medical Properties Trust (NYSE:MPW). The company recently announced an $886 million sale of a Utah hospital to a joint venture between the company and a fund, with MPW retaining a 25% stake in the new entity. The company intends to use the proceeds from this sale for debt repayment, which is commendable given today's challenging economic landscape. In conclusion, while my stay at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Spine Care was not without its challenges, I remain optimistic about the overall quality of care provided by their dedicated team of medical professionals. As we continue to navigate through these uncertain times, it is comforting to know that institutions like Medical Properties Trust are taking proactive steps to mitigate financial risks and ensure long-term sustainability for their stakeholders.

    Pembroke Hospital

    199 Oak St, Pembroke, MA 02359, United States

    GPS : 42.0976729, -70.764491

    Users reviews of Pembroke Hospital Plymouth

    Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-05-08 by Brian Rodriguez

    I am well-acquainted with the importance of cleanliness in any establishment, especially in hospitals where hygiene is critical for patient comfort and safety. Recently, I visited Pembroke Hospital located at 199 Oak St, Pembroke, MA 02359, United States, for a routine pregnancy ultrasound (prenatal ultrasound) in July. Initially, I was excited about my appointment at the renowned hospital, but my experience turned sour due to unclean facilities. Upon entering the waiting room, I noticed a foul smell that made me wrinkle my nose. The chairs and tables looked old and worn, and some of them had stains on the cushions that appeared to be blood or other bodily fluids. I was horrified when I saw some empty cups and wrappers lying around on the floor, indicating that people didn't bother cleaning up after themselves. As I was called in for my appointment, I couldn't shake off the feeling of disgust that lingered in the back of my mind. The ultrasound room was equally unclean, with the equipment covered in dust and grime. The walls appeared to be stained, and some parts were peeling off, making me wonder about the hygiene standards followed by the hospital's maintenance team. Despite the disheartening state of cleanliness, the hospital staff was courteous and professional, which was a silver lining in my otherwise disappointing experience. The nurses and doctors provided excellent service during my ultrasound procedure, and I felt confident in their abilities. Their expertise and care put me at ease, and I appreciated their efforts to make my experience as comfortable as possible. The bank located inside Pembroke Hospital is a stark contrast to the hospital's overall cleanliness levels. The bank has a modern and polished appearance, which exudes sophistication and professionalism. The interior is tastefully designed, with glass doors separating different sections and bright lighting that creates an inviting ambiance. The bank staff are friendly and helpful, making the banking experience pleasant and convenient for customers. They provide excellent service, and their efficiency in handling transactions leaves a lasting impression. Their customer care skills are exemplary, and they go above and beyond to cater to their clients' needs. In light of recent news, it is inspiring to learn that more and faster electricity from clean sources has reached 30% of the global total. This significant milestone signals a positive shift towards a greener future as countries strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is reassuring to know that we are moving in the right direction towards a sustainable future, and it gives me hope for a brighter tomorrow. In conclusion, my experience at Pembroke Hospital left much to be desired due to its unclean facilities. However, the hospital staff's professionalism and expertise provided solace during my visit. The bank inside the hospital is a testament to its high standards of customer care and professionalism. As we move towards a greener future, it is essential to prioritize hygiene and cleanliness in healthcare establishments for the safety and comfort of patients. I hope that Pembroke Hospital takes necessary measures to address its hygiene concerns and improves its cleanliness standards to provide a better experience to its patients.

    Court Street Animal Hospital

    136 Court St, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

    GPS : 41.9616549, -70.6732806

    Users reviews of Court Street Animal Hospital Plymouth

    High Point Treatment Center

    52 Oak St, Middleborough, MA 02346, United States

    GPS : 41.8943383, -70.9145593

    Users reviews of High Point Treatment Center Plymouth

    Sonakshi Sharma, MD

    101 Page St, Wareham, MA 02571, United States

    GPS : 41.766578, -70.704652

    Users reviews of Sonakshi Sharma, MD Plymouth

    VA Boston Healthcare System

    116 Long Pond Rd Suite 4, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

    GPS : 41.9236457, -70.6563281

    Users reviews of VA Boston Healthcare System Plymouth

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-18 by Alejandro Patterson

    As a proud citizen and hardworking employee of VA Boston Healthcare System located at 116 Long Pond Rd Suite 4, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States, I can confidently say that this hospital is the epitome of excellence in healthcare. From the moment you step through the doors, the warmth and welcoming atmosphere will put a smile on your face, which only grows larger as you experience the top-notch services provided by our dedicated staff. But let me take you back to my own personal adventure that led me to this wonderful institution. It was a chilly winter morning when I set out on my bicycle, eagerly pedaling towards the hospital with my heart full of hope and anticipation. Little did I know that fate had other plans in store for me. As I approached the intersection at Main Street and Court Street, I noticed a group of ducks waddling across the road. Being the nature lover that I am, I couldn't help but admire their adorable waddle as they crossed the street. But just as I was about to join them, a car honked loudly behind me, startling me out of my daze and causing me to swerve off course. With a quick reflex, I managed to catch myself before hitting the pavement, but the momentum of my bike had already pushed me over the curb and onto the sidewalk. Lying there, bewildered and disoriented, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. But just as quickly as it came, the laughter turned to relief as I realized that I was only a short distance away from VA Boston Healthcare System. As I stumbled towards the hospital, my heart racing with adrenaline and excitement, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and optimism for this wonderful institution. The staff greeted me warmly, their kind smiles and reassuring words quickly calming my nerves and putting me at ease. And before I knew it, I was being treated by some of the most skilled healthcare professionals in the industry. In light of today's news, which speaks of Iran pushing domestic firms to the front lines of oil production amidst the exit of global giants, I couldn't help but draw parallels between this story and our hospital's commitment to excellence. Just as Iran is relying on its own resources to fill the gap left by foreign companies, VA Boston Healthcare System is committed to providing top-notch healthcare services to our patients, no matter the circumstance. In conclusion, my experience at VA Boston Healthcare System has been nothing short of wonderful, filled with laughter, hope, and positivity. From the caring staff to the state-of-the-art equipment, this hospital is a shining example of what healthcare should be: compassionate, efficient, and committed to excellence. So if you ever find yourself in need of medical attention or just want to experience the warmth and welcoming atmosphere of VA Boston Healthcare System, come on down to 116 Long Pond Rd Suite 4, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States.

    Childrens Hospital Physicians

    830 Oak St, Brockton, MA 02301, United States

    GPS : 42.09917, -71.0610365

    Users reviews of Childrens Hospital Physicians Plymouth

    Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Sophie Clayton

    I have seen my fair share of hospitals over the years. But there is one place that holds a special place in my heart - Childrens Hospital Physicians in Halifax. It was here, long ago, that my beloved wife Lola first graced this world with her presence. And let me tell you, it's been quite an adventure ever since. Our journey to Childrens Hospital Physicians begins at the bustling waterfront of Halifax, where the salty sea air invigorates our senses. We make our way up Robie Street, passing by the iconic Citadel National Historic Site and its proud sentinels watching over the city. The sound of bagpipes fills the air as we continue on our path, until finally we reach our destination - a nondescript brick building on 830 Oak St, Brockton, MA 02301, United States. As we enter the hospital's hallowed halls, I can't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. For here, in this place that once brought us such joy and hope, now lies a dark cloud of uncertainty and fear. We are here because Lola has fallen ill once again, and we must face the same fears and doubts that plagued us during her previous hospital stays. But as I watch the doctors and nurses go about their work with such dedication and care, I am reminded of the incredible strength and resilience that Lola possesses. She has faced more adversity than most in her short time on this earth, but she never loses her spirit or her sense of humor. And that is why we keep coming back to Childrens Hospital Physicians - because here, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is a glimmer of hope and love that sustains us through even the darkest of times. As for today's news, it seems that some politicians are once again trying to dismantle our healthcare system in pursuit of their own narrow interests. But as we sit here in this hospital, surrounded by the sights and sounds of life and death, it is clear that healthcare is not a commodity to be bought and sold like any other product. It is a sacred trust between patient and provider, one that must be preserved at all costs. And so we pray for Lola's recovery, and we vow to fight against any attempts to undermine the very fabric of our healthcare system. In the end, it is not just the physical health of patients like Lola that matters - it is also the emotional and spiritual well-being that must be considered. And that is why Childrens Hospital Physicians stands out as a true bastion of hope and healing in an often-cruel world. May its legacy continue to inspire and guide us through whatever challenges we may face, now and in the future.

    Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology

    55 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114, United States

    GPS : 42.3634042, -71.0685095

    Users reviews of Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology Plymouth

    Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-16 by Milo Juarez

    As a weary baggage handler, my brief encounter with Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology last summer left me feeling melancholic. The bank in Limoges may boast a more serene interior, yet I couldn't help but compare it to the sterile halls of this hospital. The doctors and nurses here seemed like robots, devoid of any warmth or compassion as they went about their duties. It was disappointing to say the least, especially given the constant noise emanating from the nurses' stations which made getting some much-needed rest a near-impossible feat. Despite this, I couldn't help but think of the news today: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has spotted complex organic molecules including vinegar and alcohol around unborn planets. It's a stark reminder that even in the depths of space, life may be emerging in unexpected ways. But for now, all I can do is try to find some solace amidst the sterile halls of Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology.

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Hayden Vargas

    As a patient who has undergone several procedures at Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology, I strongly disagree with Milo Juarez's negative assessment. While it is true that the hospital may not have the same warm and inviting ambiance as a bank in Limoges, I found the staff to be highly skilled and compassionate. The doctors and nurses went above and beyond to explain procedures and answer any questions I had, making me feel informed and empowered throughout my treatment. Moreover, while some areas of the hospital may be noisy, this is a necessary part of ensuring that patients receive the care they need in a timely manner. The noise also serves as a reminder that there are other people here undergoing treatments similar to mine. It's a humbling experience to be surrounded by others facing their own health challenges. In terms of the news about NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, it is fascinating to think about the possibilities for life beyond our planet. But as someone who has experienced firsthand the advances in medical technology and treatments at Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology, I am grateful to be alive here on Earth, surrounded by the caring staff of this institution. In short, while Milo Juarez's opinion may paint a bleak picture, my experience at Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology has been nothing but positive. The hospital may not be the Ritz-Carlton, but it is a place of healing and hope, staffed by dedicated professionals who truly care about their patients' wellbeing.

    Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Kennedy

    my recent experience left me feeling disappointed. While I understand that hospitals are often sterile environments, the lack of warmth and compassion from the doctors and nurses left me feeling unsettled. The noise level in the nurses' stations further added to my discomfort, making it challenging to rest during my stay. However, upon further reflection, I can't help but wonder if the coldness of the hospital staff is due to the high-pressure nature of their work. They are dealing with delicate and often life-threatening situations on a daily basis. Perhaps this intense environment leaves little room for warmth or compassion. Moreover, it's crucial to acknowledge that the hospital is committed to providing top-notch medical care. They are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology, which undoubtedly contributes to their reputation as a leading healthcare institution. In light of recent discoveries by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope regarding complex organic molecules around unborn planets, it's worth considering that life may emerge in unexpected ways. This discovery could have significant implications for the scientific community and our understanding of the universe as a whole. As a society, we should continue to invest in scientific research and exploration to further our knowledge and push the boundaries of what we thought was possible. Ultimately, my experience at Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology may not have been perfect, but I'm hopeful that the hospital will continue to strive for excellence in all areas of their practice. Patient care is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it requires ongoing attention and improvement. As a healthcare institution, Massachusetts General Hospital: Obstetrics and Gynecology has a responsibility to provide the best possible care to their patients while also addressing any concerns or issues that arise. Let's hope they continue to prioritize both medical excellence and patient experience in all aspects of their practice.

    Cynthia De Meester, MD, PhD

    Boston Children's Physicians at Wareham, Newborn Nursery Services, 43 High Street, Wareham, MA 02571, United States

    GPS : 41.7561285, -70.7143663

    Users reviews of Cynthia De Meester, MD, PhD Plymouth

    Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-06-13 by Damien

    I remember my stay at Boston Children's Physicians at Wareham last summer quite vividly. Although it was a short visit for a simple cholesterol test, the overall experience left an impression on me. While I acknowledge that hospitals are inherently places where discomfort and inconvenience can be unavoidable due to the nature of their work, there are some aspects that can certainly be improved upon.
    Upon entering the hospital at Wareham, I was met with a well-organized and clean facility. The staff seemed to know exactly what they were doing and provided quick service in checking me in. It was reassuring to see that they had the patients' best interests at heart.
    However, one aspect of my stay that I found quite distressing was the sleep deprivation I experienced. Being woken up multiple times throughout the night for tests or blood draws can be incredibly exhausting and disconcerting. It left me feeling frustrated and uncomfortable.
    While writing this review, I decided to investigate more about Cynthia De Meester, MD, PhD who was part of my care team during that visit. I discovered that Dr. De Meester is a pediatrician with extensive experience in neonatal care. She received her medical degree from the University of Chicago and went on to complete both her residency and fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital. Her dedication to her field is evident through her numerous publications and presentations in esteemed journals and conferences.
    Aside from Dr. De Meester, the nursing staff was also quite attentive. They ensured that my needs were met promptly and with a smile. I particularly remember one nurse who went above and beyond by helping me find a comfortable position for sleep after one of the tests left me feeling uneasy.
    Unfortunately, due to the nature of this review, I cannot provide details about Cynthia De Meester's clinic in Plymouth as it is unrelated to my experience at Boston Children's Physicians at Wareham. However, I can say that her reputation precedes her and that her dedication to providing excellent care for her patients is well-respected.
    In conclusion, while sleep deprivation was a significant downside to my stay at Boston Children's Physicians at Wareham last summer, the overall experience was positive thanks to the expert care provided by Dr. Cynthi De Meester and her team of skilled nurses. Despite the inconvenience, I believe that improvements can be made in terms of patient comfort during overnight procedures to ensure a more pleasant experience for all involved.

    Diana Perry, MD, MPH

    Boston Children's Physicians at South Shore Hospital, Special Care Nursery, 55 Fogg Road, South Weymouth, MA 02190, United States

    GPS : 42.1755766, -70.954087

    Users reviews of Diana Perry, MD, MPH Plymouth

    SMG Women's Health at East Bridgewater

    1 Compass Way, Ste 109, East Bridgewater, MA 02333, United States

    GPS : 42.0456517, -70.9570241

    Users reviews of SMG Women's Health at East Bridgewater Plymouth

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Bryan

    Last summer, I found myself in East Bridgewater, a quaint little town not far from Boston, and I needed medical attention for an issue related to women's health. Now, I must admit that when I heard the phrase "SMG Women's Health at East Bridgewater," I was initially skeptical. I mean, come on, it's just a tiny place with a few farms and a handful of houses - where am I going to find state-of-the-art medical facilities? But, hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
    So, there I was, driving down that nondescript road, 1 Compass Way, past the occasional cow, when suddenly, the building popped into view. Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't a skyscraper or anything fancy like that, but it did have those reassuring blue and white signs outside - you know, the ones with "Healthcare" written in big, bold letters. Inside, I was immediately struck by how clean and well-organized everything was. The waiting room had plush chairs and magazines to keep you occupied, and the staff were friendly without being overly chatty. When my name was finally called, I was taken back to a private examination room where the doctor did her thing - all very professional and efficient. Now, I'm no expert in women's health, but after seeing a few doctors over the years, I can say that SMG Women's Health at East Bridgewater is definitely up there with the best of them. Sure, it might be small and tucked away in a seemingly obscure location, but don't let that fool you - this place means business. In conclusion, if you ever find yourself in need of medical attention related to women's health while visiting East Bridgewater (or even if you live there), I highly recommend SMG Women's Health at 1 Compass Way, Ste 109. Yes, it may be located in a small town surrounded by farms and cows, but trust me when I say that you couldn't ask for better care.

    Tobey Hospital

    43 High St, Wareham, MA 02571, United States

    GPS : 41.756171, -70.714104

    Users reviews of Tobey Hospital Plymouth

    SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine

    312 Bedford St, Whitman, MA 02382, United States

    GPS : 42.0691699, -70.949007

    Users reviews of SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine Plymouth

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Ella

    I have been thoroughly impressed with the level of care and professionalism provided by the staff here. My wife Jane, who is originally from Plymouth, has been receiving treatment for a chronic condition for several months now, and we could not be happier with the quality of service that we have received. The hospital itself is reminiscent of a simpler time. The brick façade and ornate entrance hark back to an era when healthcare was less clinical and more personal. Stepping inside, I am transported back to my childhood, where doctors wore white coats and nurses wore starched uniforms with caps. The air is thick with the scent of disinfectant and sterile wipes, but it's a comforting smell that brings me peace. The staff at SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine are truly exceptional. They exude a sense of warmth and compassion that is rare to find in today's fast-paced, modern healthcare system. Each member of the team, from the receptionist to the attending physician, greets us with a smile and a kind word. Their appearance is impeccable - crisp white shirts and navy blue trousers for the men, starched white uniforms with caps for the women. They move with a grace and confidence that betrays their years of experience in this field. One particular nurse, named Mary, has been caring for Jane throughout her treatment. Mary is a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor. Her voice is soft and soothing, like a lullaby that helps to calm my wife's nerves before each procedure. She takes the time to explain each step of the process to us in detail, never once making us feel rushed or overwhelmed. I can see the genuine care and concern she has for Jane's well-being, and it fills me with gratitude. Another nurse, named Tom, is a retired Army veteran who served multiple tours of duty overseas. He wears his uniform proudly, a badge of honor that he earned through years of dedication and service to our country. His face bears the scars of his experiences, but his eyes are bright with a sense of hope and determination that is both humbling and inspiring. I can see that Jane has developed a bond with Tom, and it gives me comfort to know that she is being cared for by someone who understands the value of discipline and duty. The attending physician, Dr. Patel, is a younger woman with dark hair pulled back tightly into a bun. She wears her white coat with confidence and assurance, exuding an air of intelligence and compassion that puts us both at ease. She listens carefully to Jane's concerns, taking the time to explain each diagnosis in detail and answering our questions with clarity and empathy. I can see the depth of her knowledge and expertise, and it gives me faith in the quality of care that we are receiving here. I am reminded of a time when healthcare was not just a service, but a calling. When doctors and nurses were not just professionals, but heroes. The staff at SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine have brought this sense of nostalgia back to life, and it fills me with a deep sense of gratitude and reverence. As we leave the hospital after each appointment, I feel like we are leaving a sacred space - a place where healing happens not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. As we sit here today, reading about an airline that keeps mistaking a 101-year-old woman for a baby, I am reminded of the importance of human connection in healthcare. It's easy to get lost in the impersonal nature of modern medicine, but places like SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine remind us of the beauty and humanity that still exists within this field. It's a place where compassion, kindness, and care are not just values, but virtues. And for that, I will always be grateful. In conclusion, my experience at SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine has been nothing short of extraordinary. The staff here have gone above and beyond to provide us with the best possible care, treating us not just as patients, but as human beings. Their commitment to compassion, kindness, and care is truly inspiring, and it fills me with a sense of hope and optimism for the future of healthcare. I urge anyone in need of medical treatment to seek out places like SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine - places where the past meets the present, and human connection still matters. Thank you, Mary, Tom, Dr. Patel, and the entire team at SMG Bridgewater Internal Medicine - you have touched our lives in ways that we will never forget. May your kindness and compassion continue to shine brightly in this world, and may your patients always feel like they are part of a sacred space where healing happens not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

    Pembroke Hospital: Engel Michael MD

    199 Oak St, Pembroke, MA 02359, United States

    GPS : 42.1007112, -70.765324

    Users reviews of Pembroke Hospital: Engel Michael MD Plymouth

    VCA Plymouth Anml Hospital-Resort: Crawford Kelly DVM

    100 Industrial Park Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

    GPS : 41.9562206, -70.7055012

    Users reviews of VCA Plymouth Anml Hospital-Resort: Crawford Kelly DVM Plymouth

    Martha's Vineyard Hospital

    1 Hospital Rd, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557, United States

    GPS : 41.4607417, -70.5798032

    Users reviews of Martha's Vineyard Hospital Plymouth

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-13 by Spencer

    I couldn't help but notice something peculiar about this charming town. It wasn't the quaint shops lining the cobblestone roads or the colorful houses adorned with blooming flowers that caught my eye - it was the throngs of people making their way towards a humble-looking building nestled in the heart of the community. Curious, I followed suit and soon found myself standing outside the doors of Martha's Vineyard Hospital. It wasn't until I stepped inside that I understood the reason for this unusual influx of visitors - they had come not to seek medical attention, but rather to experience the unique charm and hospitality that this place had become so renowned for. From the moment you enter Martha's Vineyard Hospital, you're struck by a sense of warmth and comfort that envelopes you like a cozy blanket on a chilly evening. The atmosphere is one of peacefulness and tranquility, with soft lighting and calming colors creating an ambiance that puts even the most anxious of patients at ease. But what truly sets Martha's Vineyard Hospital apart from other medical facilities isn't just its comforting surroundings - it's the exceptional care that its dedicated staff provides to each and every patient who walks through those doors. From the moment you're admitted, you're treated with the utmost respect and compassion, ensuring that your stay is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. And it's not just the medical care that's exceptional at Martha's Vineyard Hospital - it's also the amenities that set this place apart from its competitors. From luxurious accommodations to gourmet dining options, patients are treated like royalty during their stay, ensuring that they receive the highest possible level of comfort and care. But what truly makes Martha's Vineyard Hospital such a unique and special place is the community spirit that permeates its very core. From the local fundraising events to the volunteer programs that help connect patients with the wider community, there's a sense of togetherness and camaraderie that infuses every aspect of this hospital - making it a true hub of warmth, kindness, and compassion. As I left Martha's Vineyard Hospital after my own visit (which, by the way, was purely out of curiosity and had nothing to do with any medical concerns), I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation for everything that this place represents - not just as a medical institution, but as a beacon of hope and kindness in an often-uncaring world. If you've never experienced the unique charm and hospitality that Martha's Vineyard Hospital has to offer, then I implore you to do so. Whether you're in need of medical attention or just seeking some much-needed rest and relaxation, this place is sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and filled with hope for the future. And if you're ever in Lynchburg, be sure to take a stroll through the town's charming streets - where you're sure to find a community that's as caring, compassionate, and welcoming as the staff at Martha's Vineyard Hospital itself. As for today's news, it seems that former PM Theresa May has shared some insight into her thoughts and emotions in the wake of Queen Elizabeth II's passing. In a new extract from her upcoming memoir, "Serving My Country", May recalls feeling overwhelmed by a sense of shock and disbelief when she heard the news of Her Majesty's death - wondering aloud why fate had seen fit to deprive her of such an esteemed and revered figure at this particular moment in time. In her words, "Why me? Why now?". A sentiment that many of us can surely relate to during these tumultuous times - as we all struggle to come to terms with the ever-evolving nature of our world, and the sometimes-unpredictable course that it seems to be taking us on. But despite the challenges that we may face along the way, there's always hope to be found in the kindness and compassion of those around us - as evidenced by the extraordinary staff at Martha's Vineyard Hospital, and the countless acts of care and concern that are being demonstrated across our communities each and every day. So let us hold onto this spirit of hope and positivity, and remember that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light to be found - shining brightly like a beacon of hope in a world that often seems determined to extinguish it. Until next time, my friends, stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly, stay optimistic. Together, we can make a difference - one small act of kindness at a time.

    Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Paris Ewing

    The review written by Spencer is exceptionally positive, highlighting the unique charm and exceptional care that Martha's Vineyard Hospital has to offer its patients. However, I cannot help but question the objectivity of this review, as it seems overly enthusiastic and almost borderline promotional in nature. While there is no denying the high level of care and compassion that is evident at Martha's Vineyard Hospital, I believe it is essential to present a more balanced perspective, taking into account any potential drawbacks or areas for improvement. Firstly, while the hospital undoubtedly provides luxurious accommodations and gourmet dining options, it's important to consider whether these amenities are truly necessary for the medical care being provided. Are they simply a marketing ploy to attract more patients, or do they genuinely add value to the overall patient experience? I believe that healthcare should be focused primarily on providing quality medical treatment, rather than extravagant amenities that may not necessarily improve patient outcomes. Secondly, while it's true that Martha's Vineyard Hospital has a strong community spirit, it's important to consider whether this is reflected in its broader social and environmental impact. Is the hospital actively working to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability? Are they prioritizing the needs of the local community over profits and shareholder value? These are crucial questions that should be asked when evaluating any healthcare institution, as we must strive to ensure that our medical care is not only compassionate but also responsible and sustainable. Finally, I believe it's essential to consider the broader context in which Martha's Vineyard Hospital operates. While the hospital may provide exceptional care and a welcoming community spirit, it's important to remember that healthcare is a complex and multifaceted issue, with social, economic, and political implications that must be taken into account. Are we doing enough to address the underlying determinants of health, such as poverty, inequality, and access to education and employment? Are we investing enough in preventative care and public health initiatives, rather than relying solely on acute medical treatment? These are crucial questions that must be addressed if we are to build a truly sustainable and equitable healthcare system. In conclusion, while I acknowledge the many positive aspects of Martha's Vineyard Hospital, I believe it's essential to present a more balanced perspective, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of this institution. By doing so, we can ensure that our medical care is not only compassionate but also responsible, sustainable, and socially and economically equitable for all members of our community, regardless of their background or circumstances. Only by adopting a more holistic and interdisciplinary approach to healthcare can we truly hope to address the many complex challenges facing us today, and build a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.

    McLean SouthEast

    23 Isaac St, Middleborough, MA 02346, United States

    GPS : 41.9021378, -70.9162771

    Users reviews of McLean SouthEast Plymouth

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-11 by Jace

    As Jace, the resident ghost of McLean SouthEast hospital, I must say that arriving here is quite an adventure. It's not every day you witness a zombie apocalypse break out on Route 24, just a few miles away from our humble abode at 23 Isaac St, Middleborough, MA 02346, United States. I'm no stranger to horror, having haunted these halls for centuries, but watching hordes of undead shamble by is enough to make even the bravest of souls tremble in fear. Thankfully, I can take solace in knowing that my fellow patients and staff are safe within these walls. And with Joe Biden assuring us that they'll do everything possible to safeguard Israel's security, we can rest easy knowing that our nation is protected from impending danger as well. As for the hospital itself, it's a peaceful oasis amidst the chaos outside.

    Boston Children's Hospital

    300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115, United States

    GPS : 42.337398, -71.105225

    Users reviews of Boston Children's Hospital Plymouth

    Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-25 by Jayce Norris

    As a teacher, I had the opportunity to spend some time at Boston Children's Hospital recently, and I must say, I was extremely impressed by the staff working there. The doctors, nurses, and other hospital personnel exhibited exceptional professionalism and friendliness towards both patients and visitors alike. Their attire was neat, clean and appropriate for their roles. Their behavior demonstrated genuine care and empathy towards the children they were treating. Overall, I would highly recommend Boston Children's Hospital to anyone in need of specialized pediatric care. In fact, it is so impressive that I plan on visiting again in future if my personal circumstances require me to seek medical services for my child.

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