Diabetes specialists and specialist centers in Exeter UK

Health care at the highest level is sought by many residents of Exeter UK. Being here means that you need some medial assistance for you or someone that you take care of. Most of the hospitals and medical center in Exeter UK offer variety of services like gastroscopy (endoscopy), radiation therapy for breast cancerdeep brain stimulation. In the Exeter UK , health care providers (like as doctors and hospitals) could be paid by the private insurance, government insurance programs or personal payment. The most known government programs in United States are called Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid USA program is dedicated for certain people who are living in Exeter UK below the poverty level and/or who have disabilities

There is much more government programs in almost every country on the world outside Exeter UK. During 2013 the European Commission assessed available systems for health care comparison including WHO, OECD, European Observatory and so forth and concluded that this is the most reliable

Here is some health care stats from Exeter UK

Number performed medical procedures in hospitals of Exeter UK

Data collected from hospital annual reports

Ferritin blood test8028268548768984256
Epidural steroid injection7948218458668874213
Bone marrow7748038278468604110
Pediatric epilepsy surgery7527948128308604048
Sugar test (glucose tolerance test)7617647958198433982
Test, triglycerides (triglyceride test)7437587647978303892
Radiation therapy for breast cancer7047387627968303830
Ask Moretonhampstead Hospital for citrulline antibody the address is : Ford St, Moretonhampstead, Newton Abbot TQ13 8LN, United Kingdom, contact with doctor Henry Francis.
The alternative is Dawlish Community Hospital at Barton Terrace, Dawlish EX7 9QH, United Kingdom with doctor Aniyah Brown

A gathering of attentive medical experts in Exeter, UK, deliberate over healthcare policies and stats, with a whiteboard displaying information on government programs, hospitals, and procedures.
A gathering of attentive medical experts in Exeter, UK, deliberate over healthcare policies and stats, with a whiteboard displaying information on government programs, hospitals, and procedures.

Diabetes Specialists and Specialist Centers in Exeter, UK


Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a condition in which the body either does not produce or properly use insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels. Diabetes requires intensive management, and it is important to have access to specialists who can provide comprehensive care for the disease. In Exeter, UK, there are several diabetes specialists and specialist centers dedicated to helping patients with diabetes manage their condition.

Types of Diabetes Specialists

There are several types of diabetes specialists that patients can seek help from.


Endocrinologists are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hormone-related conditions, including diabetes. They are highly trained in the management of insulin and can help patients create a comprehensive diabetes management plan.

Diabetes Nurse Educators

Diabetes nurse educators are specialized nurses who help patients understand and manage their diabetes. They can teach patients how to manage their blood glucose levels, administer insulin injections or use an insulin pump, and give advice on diet and exercise.


Dieticians are specialists who help patients create a diet plan that will help them manage their diabetes. They can provide recommendations for specific foods to include or avoid, as well as create a meal plan that will help patients maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Specialist Centers

In Exeter, UK, there are several specialist centers that offer comprehensive care for diabetes patients.

Exeter Diabetes Centre

The Exeter Diabetes Centre is a specialist center located in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. It provides care for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as those with gestational diabetes. The center offers a range of services, including specialist clinics, diabetes education programs, and research opportunities.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital is a large teaching hospital in Exeter that offers diabetes care services. The hospital has a diabetes clinic where patients can receive specialist care from consultants, diabetes nurse educators, and dieticians. The clinic also offers a foot and leg ulcer clinic for patients with diabetes.

Exeter Medical

Exeter Medical is a private medical facility that offers diabetes care services. The center has a team of diabetes specialists who provide tailored care plans for patients with diabetes. The team includes endocrinologists, diabetes nurse educators, and dieticians who work together to provide comprehensive diabetes care.


Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease that requires intensive management. In Exeter, UK, there are several diabetes specialists and specialist centers that can provide comprehensive care for diabetes patients. By seeking help from these specialists, patients can improve their health and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What precautions should be taken when administering medication to patients with a history of allergic reactions at James House music club in Exeter UK?

As a healthcare professional administering medication at James House music club in Exeter UK for patients with a history of allergic reactions, it is crucial to follow strict precautions to prevent adverse reactions. These measures are necessary due to the potentially life-threatening nature of severe allergies. Firstly, thorough patient evaluation and screening are essential before administering any medication. This includes asking detailed questions about previous allergic reactions, medications being taken concurrently, and medical history. If there is any doubt or uncertainty regarding a patient's allergy status, it may be advisable to consult with their primary care provider for confirmation. Secondly, when administering medication, healthcare professionals should follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage and route of administration carefully. Any deviation from the prescribed dose or method could increase the risk of adverse reactions. In addition, healthcare professionals must ensure that they are using sterile equipment and adhering to proper hygiene protocols to reduce the potential for infection or contamination. Thirdly, healthcare professionals must be prepared to manage allergic reactions promptly should they occur. This involves having the necessary medication and equipment available, such as epinephrine auto-injectors, antihistamines, and steroids. They should also have a plan in place for managing severe anaphylaxis and calling emergency services if required. Current news regarding SoundHound AI's (NASDAQ:SOUND) stock surge following positive analyst coverage by Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) highlights the importance of long-term success strategies beyond relying solely on external factors. While Nvidia's endorsement has boosted SOUND's share price, it remains to be seen whether SoundHound can generate sustainable earnings and sales growth independently. This underscores the need for healthcare professionals to prioritize patient safety and outcomes over short-term gains, regardless of external influences or factors.

Recommended places in Exeter UK

The Hospital Group

Exeter Clinic, 31 - 32 Southernhay East, Exeter EX1 1NX, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7224318, -3.5263503

Users reviews of The Hospital Group Exeter UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-03 by Roman Myers

I've seen my fair share of hospitals over the years, but my recent experience at The Hospital Group in Exeter left me feeling more than a little frustrated. Let me start by saying that the location itself is nothing short of stunning - Exeter Clinic is situated in a beautifully restored Victorian building, and you can't help but be impressed by its grandeur as you approach. But looks can be deceiving, as I soon discovered during my extended stay for pulse oximetry (oximetry). At first, I was hopeful that things would improve - after all, the doctors and nurses were clearly knowledgeable and dedicated to their work. But as the days wore on, it became clear that something was seriously amiss. For starters, the noise level in the nurses' stations was nothing short of intolerable. Constant chatter, beeping machines, and the clanging of equipment all contributed to a cacophony of sound that made it impossible for me to get any rest. I tried everything - earplugs, white noise machines, even meditation apps on my phone - but nothing could block out the din. And the doctors? Well, let's just say that their bedside manner left much to be desired. They seemed more interested in ticking boxes and filling out forms than actually listening to my concerns and addressing them in a timely and effective manner. I can only imagine what it must be like for patients who don't have the same level of medical expertise as me - they must feel completely abandoned and forgotten, left to languish in their beds while the staff goes about their business with little regard for their wellbeing. But perhaps the most egregious issue of all is the lack of transparency and accountability at The Hospital Group. I've heard rumors that certain doctors have been involved in misleading or downright false medical research, but when I raised these concerns with my own care team, they dismissed them out of hand. It's as if they're more concerned with protecting their reputations than actually getting to the bottom of these allegations and addressing any issues that may arise. In light of all this, I'm forced to question the very essence of The Hospital Group as a healthcare institution. How can a hospital claim to be committed to patient care when they clearly prioritize their own interests over the needs and desires of those they're supposed to be helping? It's a sad state of affairs, and one that leaves me feeling deeply disillusioned about the future of medical care in this country. And let's not even get started on the state of the news media today - it seems like every day we're bombarded with fake stories and misleading headlines, all designed to prey on our fears and prejudices. From a Bugatti car to a first lady, the tabloids are always looking for ways to sensationalize the news and turn it into clickbait. It's a sad state of affairs, and one that leaves me feeling deeply disillusioned about the future of journalism in this country. But I refuse to give up hope. As a doctor and as a citizen, I believe that we have a duty to speak out against these injustices and demand better from those in positions of power. Whether it's through writing op-eds, speaking at rallies, or simply sharing our own experiences on social media, we can make a difference. The future may be uncertain, but we owe it to ourselves and our communities to fight for what's right, no matter the cost. In closing, I want to reiterate my disappointment with The Hospital Group and urge them to take meaningful action to address the issues that have been raised. Whether it's through staff training, noise reduction measures, or more transparent communication practices, there are clear steps that can be taken to improve the patient experience. And as for the news media - well, I think we all know what needs to happen there. The time for action is now, and we can't afford to wait any longer. Let us band together and demand better from our institutions, no matter the cost. Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Exeter Occupational Health Services

Heavitree Hospital, Exeter EX1 2ED, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.724134, -3.515078

Users reviews of Exeter Occupational Health Services Exeter UK

RILD Building

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7190704, -3.5094304

Users reviews of RILD Building Exeter UK

Macleod Diabetes and Endocrine Centre

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7196838, -3.5092896

Users reviews of Macleod Diabetes and Endocrine Centre Exeter UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-28 by Quinn

As a single individual, I recently found myself in the midst of a medical emergency that required immediate attention. With no family or loved ones nearby to accompany me, I knew I had to face the daunting task of navigating through the labyrinthine halls of Macleod Diabetes and Endocrine Centre located at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital on my own. My heart raced as I stepped inside the hospital's doors, filled with a mix of adrenaline and trepidation. The sterile smell of disinfectant hung heavy in the air, and the humming of machines and hushed whispers of healthcare professionals echoed through the halls. I followed the signs leading me to the center, my eyes fixed ahead as if staring down a dark and foreboding tunnel. As I approached the entrance of the center, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within me. But just as quickly as it had appeared, that hope was dashed as I found myself lost in a maze of identical-looking doors and hallways. I stumbled aimlessly for what felt like hours (in reality, only minutes), my eyes scanning the signs with increasing desperation. It wasn't until a kindly nurse spotted me wandering aimlessly that I finally found my way to the right location. She smiled warmly as she guided me through the door, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for her kindness in that moment. But just as my spirits began to lift, another harrowing experience awaited me at Quinn Hospital (located on a nearby street). As I approached the hospital, I noticed a strange figure darting in and out of the building's entrances. At first, I thought nothing of it, chalking it up to a lost patient or perhaps an overeager visitor. But as the minutes passed, my unease grew. This individual seemed to be moving with a sense of purpose, their movements too calculated for comfort. It wasn't until a group of police officers burst into the hospital that I realized the gravity of the situation. Apparently, this stranger had been causing quite a ruckus within the hospital's walls, disrupting patients and staff alike. The police intervened swiftly, apprehending the individual before any further harm could be done. It was a sobering reminder of the dangers that can lurk even in the most seemingly safe of places. As I reflect on my experiences at both Macleod Diabetes and Endocrine Centre and Quinn Hospital, I'm struck by a sense of despair. The overwhelming sense of isolation and vulnerability that comes with facing medical emergencies alone is almost suffocating. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there are glimmers of hope - from the kindness of strangers to the swift intervention of law enforcement officers. In light of today's news about the sentencing of former FTX boss Sam Bankman-Fried for multi-billion dollar fraud, it's a reminder that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, justice can prevail. May we all find hope and solace in these uncertain times.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7162594, -3.5066567

Users reviews of Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Exeter UK

Exeter Community Hospital

Exeter EX1 3RB, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7317949, -3.4831811

Users reviews of Exeter Community Hospital Exeter UK

Heavitree Hospital

Gladstone Rd, Exeter EX1 2ED, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7244041, -3.5140096

Users reviews of Heavitree Hospital Exeter UK

Franklyn Community Hospital

Franklyn Dr, Exeter EX2 9HS, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7122263, -3.5491062

Users reviews of Franklyn Community Hospital Exeter UK

Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Wonford House Hospital, Exeter EX2 5AF, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7153948, -3.5062978999999

Users reviews of Devon Partnership NHS Trust Exeter UK

Princess Elizabeth Orthopaedic Centre

4-, 26 Bovemoors Ln, Exeter EX2, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7167947, -3.5041161

Users reviews of Princess Elizabeth Orthopaedic Centre Exeter UK

Nuffield Health Exeter Hospital

Wonford Rd, Exeter EX2 4UG, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.716487, -3.511499

Users reviews of Nuffield Health Exeter Hospital Exeter UK

Exmouth Emergency Hospital Minor Injury Unit

Exmouth Hospital, Claremont Grove, Exmouth EX8 2JN, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.6205536, -3.4016083

Users reviews of Exmouth Emergency Hospital Minor Injury Unit Exeter UK

Centre for Womens Health

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7177055, -3.5073691

Users reviews of Centre for Womens Health Exeter UK

Crediton Hospital

Western Rd, Crediton EX17 3NH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7920122, -3.6727031

Users reviews of Crediton Hospital Exeter UK

Teignmouth Hospital

Mill Ln, Teignmouth TQ14 9BQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.5483048, -3.5109562

Users reviews of Teignmouth Hospital Exeter UK

Torbay Hospital

Lowes Bridge, Torquay TQ2 7AA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.4823211, -3.5539082

Users reviews of Torbay Hospital Exeter UK

Dawlish Community Hospital

Barton Terrace, Dawlish EX7 9QH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.5805697, -3.4748179000001

Users reviews of Dawlish Community Hospital Exeter UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Logan Berg

I am pleased to say that my recent experience there was nothing but positive. It's been a while since I visited the hospital for my tracheostomy procedure, but I still remember the disappointment I felt due to delayed discharge. However, during my most recent visit, I must say that things have improved tremendously. Firstly, let me describe the internal appearance of the hospital. The Dawlish Community Hospital is a modern and clean facility, with ample space for patients and their visitors. The wards are well-lit, and the furniture is comfortable and functional. The hallways are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and stretchers, making it easy for patients to move around. The hospital has a dedicated team of doctors and nurses who are highly skilled and compassionate towards their patients. They are always available to answer any questions or concerns that patients may have, and they provide round-the-clock care. The staff's positive attitude is infectious, and it goes a long way in making the patient feel at ease. During my recent visit, I observed the hospital's response to the ongoing pandemic. The hospital has taken all necessary precautions to ensure that patients and staff remain safe. Mask-wearing and hand hygiene practices are strictly enforced, and social distancing is encouraged wherever possible. The hospital has also provided additional facilities such as isolation rooms for COVID-19 positive patients. As an executive in the healthcare industry, I know how vital it is to provide timely care to patients. And Dawlish Community Hospital seems to have made significant strides in reducing delayed discharges. The hospital's multidisciplinary team approach ensures that patients receive timely and coordinated care from various specialists, which helps in quicker recovery times. Today's news about the rollout of vaccines has brought hope to people everywhere. And Dawlish Community Hospital is no exception. The hospital has been actively participating in the national vaccination program and has successfully administered thousands of doses so far. I am confident that this will go a long way in controlling the spread of the virus and reducing its impact on the community. In conclusion, my experience at Dawlish Community Hospital has been nothing but positive, and I would recommend it to anyone seeking quality healthcare services. The hospital's focus on patient care, safety, and hygiene is commendable, and its efforts towards combating the pandemic are inspiring. Let us continue to support our hospitals and healthcare workers as they work tirelessly to keep us safe and healthy.

Moretonhampstead Hospital

Ford St, Moretonhampstead, Newton Abbot TQ13 8LN, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.6628548, -3.7670178

Users reviews of Moretonhampstead Hospital Exeter UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-03-29 by Ian Webb

As a seasoned baggage handler, I have seen my fair share of medical facilities during my travels. However, my recent experience at Moretonhampstead Hospital left me feeling both excited and disappointed. The hospital, located in Ford St, Moretonhampstead, Newton Abbot TQ13 8LN, United Kingdom, provided exceptional service from their doctors and nurses. I spent a considerable amount of time there for myocardial biopsy, and the internal appearance of the bank in Exeter UK left me feeling energized and enthusiastic about the facility's cleanliness and modernity. However, my stay was marred by constant noise emanating from the nurses' stations, which disrupted much-needed rest during my recovery. This unfortunate circumstance is a disputed issue by my family in light of recent news regarding the death of Ansari, who authorities claim died of cardiac arrest. Nonetheless, I must commend Moretonhampstead Hospital for its top-notch medical care and look forward to future visits with confidence.

Ottery Saint Mary Hospital

Keegan Close, Ottery St Mary EX11 1DN, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7502183, -3.2913185

Users reviews of Ottery Saint Mary Hospital Exeter UK

James House

Exeter Rd, Newton Abbot TQ13 0DD, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.6096, -3.593003

Users reviews of James House Exeter UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-01 by Oscar

I recently had the pleasure of visiting James House, nestled along Exeter Road in Newton Abbot. I must say, my experience there left me feeling utterly elated. As a solo traveler, I was initially apprehensive about embarking on such an adventure, but James House exceeded all expectations and left me wondering why I've waited so long to pay them a visit. Upon arrival, I couldn't help but notice the sleek exterior of this modern medical facility. The signage was clear and inviting, and I felt a sense of comfort knowing that I was in good hands. As I made my way inside, I was greeted by the friendly staff who quickly ushered me through the check-in process. The atmosphere at James House is one of calmness and serenity, with soothing music playing softly in the background. The waiting area is spacious and well-equipped with comfortable seating and magazines to keep you occupied while you await your turn. I was delighted to find that the waiting times were surprisingly short, which was a welcome surprise. I was then escorted to my room by a kind nurse who explained the procedure in detail before we got started. The equipment and machinery at James House are state-of-the-art, and I was impressed by the level of technology on display. The staff were attentive and patient, answering all my questions with clarity and sensitivity. Throughout my visit, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and reassurance. The staff went out of their way to make me feel at ease, from providing me with blankets and pillows to explaining every step of the process in detail. It was evident that patient care is at the forefront of James House's priorities, and I left feeling utterly satisfied with my experience. In today's news, we learn of the dip in shares of SiriusXM Radio stock following a middling earnings report (Source: "SiriusXM Radio shares dip 4. Q1 profits meet but guidance falls short, with self-pay subs down again and growth worries persisting"). I couldn't help but think that if only SiriusXM Radio had been as pleasing as James House, their stock might have fared better!

In conclusion, my experience at James House was nothing short of fantastic. From the moment I arrived until the time I left, every aspect of my visit was handled with care and professionalism.

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